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THE RACE TO Belém has begun
to go until COP30

It’s 10-to-midnight for nature.

We’re firing the starting gun on the Race to Belém.

10 months to make a difference.

10 months to mobilize significant investment to protect & restore nature.

At a scale and speed not seen before.

The Race to Belém is both a campaign and a catalyst – to mobilize private sector investment at a speed and scale not seen before, specifically to protect the Brazilian rainforest.

Deforestation continues at an unacceptable, unsustainable rate. Our goal is to secure the $billions required to make an impact before it is too late. Before COP30 opens.

We’re building a unique movement of private sector finance, global business and some of the world’s largest conservation NGOs – who will work with Brazilian States, Indigenous peoples, local and traditional communities, famers, as well as the Brazilian Federal government.

Join us – and together we can stop the clock on deforestation.

Read press release here.

It's time for a

private sector


The private sector has the power to redirect financial flows from destruction to protection. At the huge scale required. This is why we believe we can win this race.

From COP to COP, momentum is stalling. Existing frameworks are not moving fast enough – and the funding gap widens every day. There are many initiatives and programs in place to deliver effective interventions that will stop and reverse deforestation in Brazil.


The private sector can mobilize that funding at a sufficient scale. And change the economics of tropical forest loss in Brazil.

But we are running out of time.


To help save the Amazon forests, protect the world’s richest habitats for biodiversity – and stall the current trajectory towards further climate breakdown.

This is a race that
really does matter.

We are approaching the Amazon Forest Tipping Point.

Everyone is, of course, aware of the need to protect and restore the Brazilian rainforest.

But the significance of what is at stake, the vital importance of this region to global weather systems and just how close we are to an irreversible Amazon Tipping Point – these are challenges so big, that many have lost hope in solving them.

“The precious Amazon is teetering on the edge of
functional destruction and, with it, so are we.”

Carlos Nobre in Science Magazine

We are failing the Amazon rainforest and its people by not prioritising the economic value of a standing tree over one cut down. The global economy relies on a stable climate, and as all eyes turn to a Brazilian COP, the race is on to step back from the brink.

We are at 10-to-midnight for the Brazilian rainforest.

Landscape-scale solutions

Jurisdictional REDD+ (JREDD) is a comprehensive and inclusive approach to forest conservation, scaled-up to cover an entire jurisdiction. It provides a platform for the full participation of Indigenous peoples and local and traditional communities, who are forest stewards at the forefront of forest protection.

Right now, landscape-scale solutions like JREDD represent an immediate opportunity to not only stop the clock on deforestation, but also protect and enhance the livelihoods of local people and communities.

We now need to turn on the flow of finance.

“Without high integrity conservation programs which provide generous support to the peoples and communities who inhabit the Amazon, the Amazon will disappear.

We are committed to working with the jurisdictions that act with integrity and transparent monitoring of the effectiveness of both their conservation initiatives and their support of local communities and indigenous peoples.”

Peter Seligmann – Chairman, Silvania – and Founder and Chair, Conservation International

The ask is simple:

Invest in preserving the rainforest in Brazil. Today.



The Race to Belém has begun.
But we cannot hope to win this race
if you don’t join us.

Stopping the clock on Brazil’s deforestation is the objective.

Finance is the missing piece.

The next step is you.

Step 1 – Put your hand up. Signal your interest.

Step 2 – We’ll talk you through the details.

Step 3 – Commit. Pledge. Invest.


We’re starting this race.

But no-one wins without your investment.

To initiate the Race to Belém, we’ve created a unique movement – a collaboration between private sector finance, global business and some of the world’s largest and most effective NGOs protecting nature.

Our role is to help lay the foundations and build momentum. We do so because we have to, and because we believe our collective expertise and connections can help quickly build a coalition of investors at the kind of scale required.

Silvania are experts in mobilising finance.

We are an investment initiative dedicated to nature and biodiversity protection and restoration. Our goal is to invest in the power of nature to mitigate climate change while delivering significant biodiversity and social benefits and in support of the delivery of the Paris Agreement goals and the UN 30×30 Initiative.

Our expertise lies in the global carbon markets and in investment. We are a leading project developer, specializing in high-integrity nature projects worldwide.

Conservation International protects nature for the benefit of humanity.

Through science, policy, fieldwork and finance, we spotlight and secure the most important places in nature for the climate, for biodiversity and for people. In over 100 countries, we partner with governments, companies, civil society, Indigenous peoples and local communities to help people and nature thrive together.

We have the conservation expertise, the technical knowledge and the network to make sure investment becomes impact.

The Nature Conservancy is dedicated to conserving the lands and waters on which all life depends.

Guided by science, we create innovative solutions to our world’s toughest challenges so that nature and people can thrive together. We are tackling climate change, conserving lands, waters and oceans at an unprecedented scale.

We are working to make a lasting difference around the world through a collaborative approach with local communities, governments, the private sector, and other partners.

Together, we’re starting the Race to Belém –
driven by a sense of urgency
and our belief in the speed of the market.
Our goal is to mobilize others and to make a difference.


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